Samanea, the Latin name for rain tree, is easily recognized by its massive umbrella-shaped, widely spreading crown which can reach 20 to 30 metres across.
Our company, like the majestic Samanea, provides well-rounded support for small businesses growing nationwide and venturing overseas via our trading services platform. Samanea, where small businesses thrive together.
Samanea is one Asian team, serving all needs on international trade. Join us to get access to our worldwide support and resources. Samanea understands the business of our tenants and actively helps to look for opportunities across country borders via the Samanea Asian Network.
Samanea develops and runs large-scale trade centres also known as “Markets” for wholesale and retail manufactured goods. These “Markets” are built for Samanea’s tenants – small businesses, which are our number one priority. Everything we do is designed and run for the good of our tenants.